Supported by the Union for the Mediterranean and the European Commission

Hub for R&I

MEmber Registration

Join and enrich our network! Become a member and connect with R&I partners in the Mediterranean area!  Register  and make the most from the networking opportunities offered by the portal.

Who can register

Are you working in the field of Research & Innovation with a focus on health, renewable energies or climate change?

Are you based in a UfM country and interested in Mediterranean cooperation?

The EURO-MEDITERRANEAN HUB FOR R&I  is open to R&I stakeholders in the field of health, renewable energies and climate change interested in Mediterranea cooperation

  • Academics or research organisations
  • R&I support organisation (accelerator, incubator, etc.)
  • Business enterprises (SMEs, large enterprises)
  • NGO/Non-profit organisations
  • International, national or regional authorities/policymakers
  • Other stakeholders from the relevant R&I landscape

Fill in and submit this registration form to apply for becoming a member of the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN HUB FOR R&I. You will be contacted soon.  

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Personal information

Your Linkedin Profile URL

Organisation information

Specialisation and interests

Describe your primary areas of expertise, so that interested parties know what you can bring to a potential collaboration.
Describe what you are looking for in potential collaborations.
Privacy and personal data

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